Hi, I'm Rob Aaron-Wilson
I'm running to be Chair of London Lib Dems in 2024, I'd like to tell you a bit about myself, why I'm running and what I'd do to sure we all have the best chance of winning in London. ​ I'd love to answer any questions, issues or hear what you think please WhatsApp/message/call me on 07455 903174 or use the contact form further down this page.

“Rob has demonstrated unwavering dedication to our local party, consistently driving initiatives that have strengthened our local engagement, growth and success. His exceptional leadership skills and deep understanding of London region's needs make him the ideal candidate for Regional Chair.”
Lauren Fulbright Liberal Democrat PPC for Southgate & Wood Green 2024

If we don’t address this, where will we be in a few short elections from now?​
I've held almost every position in my local party and understand how hard it can be.
I have led my local parties progress and I know how to advance electoral results, campaigning and member involvement.
I do not have quick fixes but if you vote for me to become Chair I will start the recovery.
We will not give up London to the Tories, Labour, Green or Reform.
Lets work together and start winning.
​We have gone from having Councillors in Boroughs on the left map to ones on the right.
​So why am I running?
My Policies
Hi, take a look below at what I would do as Chair, as ever I'd love to talk about any ideas or issues you have.

Long Term Planning
Start with our two-year goal and work backwards to plan how to get there.
This requires long-term planning, cultural change, and work.
Great work is being done, but we need to be more structured and offer the right things at the right time to help people.

Individual Borough Plans & Reciprocal Targeting
We must give developing boroughs the lead times and help they need.
A full slate of candidates for example, needs months, if not years of work.
I will ensure each borough has a realistic long-term plan with stronger boroughs helping the developing ones.
This will be a virtuous circle, smaller parties expand and create bigger pools of activists for both themselves and for target seats when needed.

Proud Liberal Policies
Our policies must demonstrate our values.
If we're asking people to repeatedly give up their time we must have something to believe in.
I will ensure we have policies that reflect our values and provide a bold Liberal solution to London's issues.

Prioritisation & Consistent Growth
We cannot do everything, neither should we. We're exhausting volunteers and employees.
If they leave, the corporate memory and progress leaves with them.
I will ensure the things we choose to undertake are planned, resourced and delivered.

Involve more people
At the last time of asking there were not enough applicants for 15 London Region Executive Board or 12 GLA List positions. Any roles that are contested have single digit turnouts.
I will ensure that members are proactively involved, that diversity is increased, and that all regional elections and events are scheduled and promoted well in advance.

Sort out Process
If you read the London Region's rules or processes, you'll notice that they frequently make no sense or are contradictory.
Every time we do something, it appears like we're doing it for the first time. This means that the rules are 'interpreted', which is unfair; it pushes people away, takes at least three times as long as it should, and can result in disputes.
We must take the time to develop proper processes for our repeatable tasks.